We provide modern data solutions helping companies & organizations in a complex and evolving world to rapidly maximize results using BigData and Artificial Intelligence


9 Years of success in software engineering.

Improving people & processes and converting raw data in knowledge and turning them into competitive advantages.

Sciamlab is a Data & AI innovation engineering company located in Europe, Rome and with presence in Milan, Poland and Germany. We provide consultancy and software development to corporations and government organizations embedding competences in innovative contexts and initiatives.

Founding Year




Trained Clients

We release in 2013 the Amaca® Platform and APIs, an innovative Web Content Discovery and Data Enrichment Platform based on BigData technologies that are today a foundation for several Open Data reference implementations in Italy, feeding knowledge graphs, artificial intelligence repositories and decision management datasets.
Our labs in Rome is located in the Aventine Hill very close to the Circus Maximus in front of the Roman Palatino. Is in a young and one of the most trendiest area of the italian capital. Our is an open company who live in an open space shared with newcomers and visitors and their precious feedbacks. We love to be completelly immersed in a place zipped of creative folks. At our hearth there’s a strong convincement that to bring innovative ideas into everyday job in addition to think out-of-the-box you must be free to joke and smile and to have enough room to freely express your love and passions.



Our teams can help you to gather structured data from various sources (e.g. websites, PDFs, various proprietary data sources/formats) and transform into actionable data.

Services include scraper/spider development, custom Extract-Transform- Load (ETL) development and automating harvesting from these and other sources.


We add meaningful geographic contexts to datasets using longitude and latitude values (geocoded data). Available geographic contexts include administrative (Zip Code), census (block, block group, tract), environmental (>ood maps, elevation), or other (TV markets, neighborhoods).

We also offer specialized demographic enrichment services to add meaningful demographic contexts to datasets. Demographic enrichment adds select demographic data from Country reference istitutions (for exmple ISTAT in Italy) to your geocoded data.

We provide demographic pro=les based on geographic contexts (e.g., Zip Codes, neighborhoods) or specified radius (e.g. ½ mile).


Our Professional Services can help you to set-up your own Open Data portal using CKAN without any customisation or integrating CKAN with existing systems. We can make the most of CKAN rich search experience providing “Google-like” keyword search, faceting by tags, publishers formats and categories or even location based search (geo-search).

We can develop to extend CKAN’s modular core architecture to turn CKAN into a central information hub and data catalogue.

Our Professional Services can provide the technical know-how about CKAN, Open Data, Open Source and GIS systems.

We can tailor the CKAN platform around your needs: implement custom forms and workflows to facilitate and improve metadata management, help you enrich your datasets with interactive datavisualisation such as map viewers, line charts, bar charts, pie charts, grids, graphs, histograms, etc. to maximise the value of your resources, bridge the power of CKAN with a content management system (such as Drupal, WordPress or your existing CMS) to facilitate public feedback and engagement, and foster your community, extend the CKAN API to integrate with existing system or provide new features, integrate with your existing GIS systems (GeoServer, GeoNetwork, Esri ArcGIS, etc.) and information systems, integrate with your existing user management systems (Active Directory, LDAP etc.), etc.


Our Professional Services can help you to implement two types of data visualization: interactive online maps and custom infographics. Our team will work with you to evaluate your data visualization needs and develop a package of custom products to cra? the most compelling stories from your data.

We can help you to create custom interactive online maps with your data. We can highlight key geospatial insights within your data by visualizing trends over time, demographic context, or mashups tailored to your mission.

We can help you to create custom infographics data with your data. Infographics take your data communication to the next level with graphs and charts designed to make the most impact.


Service team can help you to analyze and sanitize your data to improve your privacy protection and to elimitate reidentification risks.

We can help you to configure privacy rules and transformation methods to mitigate attacks that may lead to privacy breaches.


Our team is delivering scheduled courses as well organizing ad-hoc training for your teams on Data Analysis and Visual Analitics and Advanced Business Process Management as well helping your professionals, consultants, reasearchers and data scientists maximize their knowledge using modern Data Analysis tools and implementing data visualization and exploration strategies and adopting Robotic Process Automation and Business Process Management. Both will help building strong visual and decision analytics backgrounds and strength the required skills to implement a streamlined process centric approach to address modern market challenges.

→ Modern Data Visualization Course

We embed strategic support in your organization with training programs on open source tools and libraries like:

  • D3.js
  • Apache Zeppelin
  • Pythons scientific libraries and notebooks and on several commercial tools as:
    • Tableau
    • Plot.ly
    • Exploratory
    • Google Data Studio
    • Tibco Spotfire
    • MapBox including advanced 3D and animation maps

Download Modern Data Visualization course details

→ Business Process Management Course

The short course allow a rapid transfer of the required competences and ability to discover and capture the processes of your organization and implement, optimize and define effective automation strategies. Using modeling standards like BPMN, CMMN and DMN the course will transfer the best practices to document, design, simulate, execute and monitor processes using modern open source and commercial BPMS platforms and tools.

Download Business Process Management course details

Main Clients

Consiglio dei Ministri
Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti
Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Politecnico Milano
Polo universitario città di Prato
Ministero dell'ambiente
Comune di Bologna


Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
Cappelli Identity Design
Studio Brillante

Join us at the Bikelab, a free spot where spare parts meet our creativity.


Get in touch with us here info@sciamlab.com


Via Ennio Quirino Visconti, 85
00193 Rome, Italy
VAT: 12405061008
PEC: sciamlab@pec.it

AI Fab

Via Cornelio Magni, 51
00147 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39.06.92927873
Fax: +39.06.92942066
Email: info@sciamlab.com